Wednesday 15 October 2014

Bookclub Update

So we met at the Spotty pub last night for Bookclub and the latest selection All the Birds, Singing was not well liked. The girls found it frustrating and the characters irritating with too many unanswered questions. The main story is based in England but is written in the past tense while the parts of her life that are retold are written in the present tense which makes for an interesting style but not to everybodys liking. I quite liked it although the ending was abrupt and left some aspects of the story unresolved. I read a review that said while it was well written it was a difficult story to enjoy and I agree with that wholeheartedly.

 Enjoyment of writing styles is so subjective,
 it can be difficult to find something that
 everyone enjoys!
 As to my Divergent Trilogy, 2 down 1 to go
 and struggling with the 3rd.
 The pace has gone out of the story.

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