Wednesday 6 August 2014

Hi everyone at VU studying with Margie. My name is Kathy and I am an off campus student. I listened to the first recording from the class and felt the love to those of us that study from home.
I am a mum of  2 teenage boys and among my interests I am part of a book club that started about 5 years ago between a group of 4 friends who are all mums with kids. We chose books from different genres and meet about once every 5-6 weeks over breakfast, coffee, lunch or dinner depending on our various schedules.
As tomorrow is the first book club of this Semester I will endeavour to let you know what we are reading and anything of interest that may be discussed. I also tend to read other books in between our meeting and am currently reading a John Green book, An Abundance of Katherines, to keep up with what the teens are reading. (I work at a secondary school.)
Will update you once I have been to bookclub tomorrow. Cheers Kathy
Image result for smiley face

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