Wednesday 13 August 2014


Last Friday we met for breakfast Bookclub at a cafe (coffee not great apparently, I am a tea drinker but the muffin was delicious). We usually catch up for half our time and discuss the book for the other half.
We read Major Pettigrew's Last Stand by Helen Simonson. It was an endearing tale of a couple who discover love later in life and it is a story which includes old fashioned courting in a quiet village where everyone has set attitudes about race, religion and dating for older members of the community. The main character is a retired army Major who values things like his properly brewed tea, honour and decorum and his love interest is a village shopkeeper whose family come from Pakistan.  They have both lost their partners and are drawn together by their mutual interest in literature. It is well written with humour and warmth and is a modern love story for two people of a different generation.

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