Monday 24 November 2014

Final Bookclub post

Well Bookclub was supposed to be this week but we are all busy with clashing schedules so we have postponed for a week. I was looking forward to reading Richard Flanagan's prize winning book but will wait for Summer. In the thoughtful 13 yr old son gave me a book for my birthday which I must read called, Lyrebird Hill by Anna Romer. It is interesting so far and traces the lives of 2 different generations of a family involving loss, death, violence and tragedy. Happy holiday reading. That's all folks!!!

Monday 10 November 2014

Last Bookclub for the year

Well I finished The Children Act by Ian McEwan which was typical of his books. His writing is very descriptive, I enjoy his style. I liked but did not love this story about the High Court judge who presides over complicated and usually intriguing family battles. The story had a few twists which I did not expect and I wish a few plots lines had been resolved differently but overall I enjoyed the story.

 This is the latest book we are reading about the secrets buried within
 the lives of parents at a primary school. The story centres around the lives
 of 3 women and their husbands and children who all attend the same school.
 The story ends badly for someone because there is a death at the school trivia  night.
 I'm not enjoying this book, it is very lightweight and I just want to find out  which one of them dies! I think if it was me I would of killed off half of the  characters by now. Skimming through to get the end so I can read something  better.
 Next on our list is Richard Flanagan's The Narrow Road to the Deep  North for which he won the Man Booker Prize this year.